Saturday, March 14, 2009

Posting to blog from Word 2007

If you are blogging the Word 2007 has a very nice feature for you - you can post to your blog from Word 2007!

How to do this:

  1. Click the Office button in the top left corner
  2. Click Publish\Blog - it will open new window
  3. Register a blog account 
  4. Choose blog provider
  5. Provide user name and password
  6. Optionally click picture options - you can provide details for picture provider
  7. Now create your post and when it is ready click the Publish button

Except of posting directly to your blog, you can publish a post as a draft or open an existing post for editing!

Unfortunately it seems that there is one flaw - security. If you try to set blog provider to the blogger (I have not checked other providers) in Word 2007, it says that a user name and a password will be visible to other people... It is for sure not the way it should work. Revealing user/pass details to the whole world is just not good idea.

I was searching for a solution. But have not found anything yet. It is impossible that no one thought about the security.

If anyone knows how to use it a secure manner please leave a comment and let me know.

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